Monday, April 27, 2009

Education Station Still on the Move!!!

I've been so busy. I have not had time to journal. I really enjoy writing about the happenings of the Henry's place. Believe it or not, I almost decided to stop home schooling. Things start breaking down around me. First the dishwasher, then the microwave, now the washer and dryer. I really felt despair, so I took another assignment. I took on one more class. I made it through the six weeks, but it was tough for me and the kids. I even considered going back full time to work. I prayed and even though my heart desire to be at home with my kids, I was going to head back to work.
I ask the Lord, "Is this what you really want me to do?" I enjoy teaching and being apart of my kids lives. To make a long story short. The Lord has blessed Ron with another job plus contract work. He blessed me with a position on the credit side, which means less hours and more money. I also will work more hours this summer. He has shown me over and over again that He will provide for us, but we have to trust and believe that things will come together in his perfect timing.
This year of homeschooling has been an adventurous one. It has not only been a time of learning for the kids, but for me. My goal next year is to be consistent and not allow the trials of life to shake me from educating my children. I've done a lot of growing this school year, and I look forward to what the Lord will teach me next.

Monday, March 02, 2009

We're Still Rollin....

It's been along time since I have been able to post a blog. There has been a lot going on. One exciting thing is that I think I finally found a home school association that may be a good fit for our family. The children are excited because they are going to be apart of the science fair.
There is so much happening and I am excited about next year. I decided to take my time on the American History unit study. I've settled down, but I am still in that teacher mode. I am excited about the progress everyone is making. Pooh now reads two books at a time. The blessing is I don't force her. She forces me to listen to her even when school is over. I have seen so much improvement in my children even though they can be resistant sometimes.
I know in my heart that all this work and sacrifice will pay off some day!!!!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

It's December

It's December!!! I can't believe it. Christmas is approaching really, really fast.We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. The children are now learning about the colonists in American History. We are now in the 1600's, and the children learned that the colonists were faced with many struggles and challenges when they reached America. Although the Wampanoag Indians, were not the "Christians", they were very kind to share their knowledge with the colonists only to later on be pushed off their land and made indentured servants. This whole American History study has been really enlightening for my children and I.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Busy Busy

The year is going very fast. The children and I have been very busy. So far, my children have completed their first research project. I allowed them to choose a topic from the book they have been reading for research. My oldest daughter did a project on dolphins, my baby girl did a research project on candy, and my nephew researched information about horses. I initially felt like I could have taught many other concepts, but the research is good because it the children were reading and comprehending nonfiction text. We were able to talk and answer questions. There were some vocabulary words that the children were able to learn, plus they were able to display their work and type their papers.

My children are working on salt maps of the world to to map out the beginning of American History and key events that took place. Their next research project will be on The first early civilizations in America. This time they will research the information, but I am going to use a flip poster board to display information about the civilizations. I am learning so much with my children and it is awesome.

My next goal is to enhance my childrens' math curriculum. I would like to add more math projects and games. I am noticing that the children is getting into the "I've completed the next lesson" mode. I don't want them to just go through the motions. I want them to be able to problem solve in everyday situations. Now that I got their reading, english, science, and social studies on the right track, I am going to work on making the math fulfilling.

One major challenge I am faced with, is being able to juggle it all. Everyone has different needs so I really have to work hard at meeting those needs in a creative way.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Education Station is Rolling

We are now beginning our fifth week of school. The children seem to have their routine down. I would like to begin to add units for special units. I am so proud of my oldest daughter because in five weeks, she has read two novels. My nephew is completing his first chapter book. My middle child is working hard on her story. Her story had 33 chapters. It is awesome working with them everyday. I really appreciate being to intervene on the spot rather than waiting for a graded paper that may or may not make it home. I am seeing a big difference in my children's attitude towards reading. My favorite part of this whole thing is being able to talk to them about the book. This help them with their critical thinking skills, making inferences, and drawing conclusions about what they read.
One of the biggest challenge I am faced with is that I NEED TO BE UNSCHOOLED!!!!!! I get so stressed out when I do not make the deadline that I set. Funny, isn't it. The truth of the matter is my children are doing more work than I ever saw at their school. I no longer have to worry about the assignment that I never see feedback on. My children are able to ask questions and problem solve without feeling unsure because they did not receive feedback.

I really am looking forward to my children's future.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Reading with the Kids

My favorite part about our homeschool schedule is listening to my children and nephew read. It is my favorite time because I am able to discuss the story elements and character traits with them. All three children are reading books on there reading level. It has been a real pleasure to be able to watch them read. They read aloud every single day in hopes of boosting their reading levels.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Week 2

I have this season of my life to be very excited. I really enjoy the privilege of educating my children and my nephew. It brings joy and tears to my heart when my daughters ask to read extra chapters to me plus read on their own. They never wanted to read in the past. I really think it was because there was always a test to fail after they read. Now they are able to enjoy books, discuss, analyze the character traits, setting, and plot without being given some dumb worksheet to fail after they read. This is the best decision I could have ever made. Sometimes I get discouraged over the finances, but the Lord revealed to me an important verse during our worship time...... Psalm 37:18-19.... "Day by Day the Lord takes care of the innocent, and they will receive an inheritance that last forever...They will not be disgraced in hard times; even in famine they will have more than enough."

Praise God for His mercy, goodness, and kindness!!!!!!

Thursday, September 04, 2008


Schedule seems to be one of the major challenges because I have to mesh Joshua's schedule with our schedule. I want my children to have a consistent schedule so that when they began to learn in the "real world", they will have been used to structure. Yesterday, he woke up at 9:50, today he woke up at 7:40. Isn't it nice to be able to wake up when you are ready. The life of a baby has many advantages. This causes us to start and end at different times. I constructed our schedule as followed:

4:30-5:00 (Idea Time LOL!!!!- Wake up-Devotion-Exercise)
5:00-5:30 Devotion for me (What I've done this week!!!)
5:30-6:00 Shower/ Make Bed
6:00-7:00 Get some things done around the house
7:00-7:30 Kids wake up, dress breakfast
7:30-8:00 Worship/ Journal Writing Time
8:00-8:15 DEAL (Drop Everything and Listen)
8:15-9:15 Reading/ L.Arts
9:15-10:00 Writing Workshop
10:00-11:00 Math
11:00-11:30 Science
11:30-12:00 Social Studies
12:00-1:00 Lunch- Outdoor Fun
1:00-2:00 ART, Music, Cooking, Finance, Study Success, Computer
Evenings with Ron- Bible
Tues. & Thurs.- Swimming
Wed. - Tennis

This is the idea schedule......with field trips scheduled twice a month....STAYED TUNED

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

My Strength, My Redeemer

As my children and I are journaling, I could not help but reflect on the scripture I read.....

"Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Saviour and my hope is in you all day long." Psalm 25: 4-5

As I reflect on this scripture it gives me a true since of peace. I must admit I am really missing my paycheck, but I know this is the best decision I have ever made in my whole life. I know that the Lord has a lot in store. He has an abundance of lessons to teach me as I travel this journey. This scripture also gives me the peace and assurance that God is going to see us through. I have to be like a student or as a child, willing to receive instruction. This is the first time in my life since I was a child that my soul and heart has been willing to let go and let God truly guide me. I hope that as I interact with my children and nephew, I model through my behavior this willingness so that they may grow under God's guidance.

Education Station on a Roll!!!!

We had our very first day of school and I must say it went very well. We were able to learn our schedule, prepare our materials, read, do math, and do activities to promote success and good study habits. It was weird because you would think after teaching for 9 years, the first day jitters would go away especially since I am home this year, but it never does. It was nice to begin our morning with worship and a good breakfast. The children were able to sing, pray, discuss the scriptures. This was the most rewarding part of my day because I know that because of my choice, my children are now able to consistently praise God with me.
It was a very hard decision for me to do this, but being the principal at the Henry's house is exciting. After worship, the children were able to write in their personal journals. This is so important because it is a time where they can express their feelings without worrying about spelling, grammar, etc. It is also a time in which they can release whatever may be on their mind before we start. After journal time, I read aloud the Adventurers of Huckleberry Finn. Many people think that this book is controversial, but I think it is a good book to teach character traits because Huck has so much character. Since the children are three different age groups, I was able to set up rotation schedule children that allowed me to give them one on one instruction. I allowed the children to choose their books. This was very rewarding because they were able to make predictions about their books, identify words they did not know, which will be their vocabulary/spelling words, as well as work on fluency and comprehension. After that they did math review and ended the day with a success at school lesson I will teach the last 20 minutes.
Today we will add science to our schedule. The kids are anxious to begin experimenting since they were not able to do many experiments at school. I am so excited about today!!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A New Beginning

Welcome to Thomasa's Corner! I am so excited about this whole journey. When I read everyone's comments on LaChanda's blog, you guys really pumped me up with a lot of optimism. I have been natural for about 3 1/2 years, and was ready to try something different. My braid locs journey has just begun. I am very excited. I really thought my hair was a lot thicker than this. I love my curly ends. Isn't it wonderful how God made us all so unique! I have been struggling with the dry, itchy, flaky scalp. A friend of mine told me to try tea tree oil on my scalp. It is time for me to make a retightening appointment because there is plenty of new growth. It is so nice to have a good friend like LaChanda. She spent 7 hours working on my hair and she did a super job!!!
My decision to loc my hair has been a real confidence boost for me. Since I've begun this hair journey, I've felt a change in myself. I really think I have been a walking zombie for many years. Thomasa needs to focus on getting Thomasa together. I am working on a total different me. After sacrificing so long as a wife, mother, a teacher, a student, and so on...I decided that I need a whole new makeover so on my blog you will see not only a loc journey, but a total new me. I am really excited about where God will take me from here.

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