Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A New Beginning

Welcome to Thomasa's Corner! I am so excited about this whole journey. When I read everyone's comments on LaChanda's blog, you guys really pumped me up with a lot of optimism. I have been natural for about 3 1/2 years, and was ready to try something different. My braid locs journey has just begun. I am very excited. I really thought my hair was a lot thicker than this. I love my curly ends. Isn't it wonderful how God made us all so unique! I have been struggling with the dry, itchy, flaky scalp. A friend of mine told me to try tea tree oil on my scalp. It is time for me to make a retightening appointment because there is plenty of new growth. It is so nice to have a good friend like LaChanda. She spent 7 hours working on my hair and she did a super job!!!
My decision to loc my hair has been a real confidence boost for me. Since I've begun this hair journey, I've felt a change in myself. I really think I have been a walking zombie for many years. Thomasa needs to focus on getting Thomasa together. I am working on a total different me. After sacrificing so long as a wife, mother, a teacher, a student, and so on...I decided that I need a whole new makeover so on my blog you will see not only a loc journey, but a total new me. I am really excited about where God will take me from here.

Side Profile


Creyole said...

Way to go Thomasa, I'm happy to see you "finally" started your blog.

brunsli said...

Welcome to the Family Thomasa!

Your hair looks great and it will only get better. It's a great way to start your next project -- taking care of YOU!

Natural Kinks said...

Lachande did a GREAT job and your hair looks great.
Welcome to the lockers family, your blog is coming along nicely!

Goodnapps said...

I can totally relate when you say you now have that wave of energy to focus on yourself. As long as they are changes for the better for you and your family - you can't go wrong. Best of wishes as you embark on your journey.

Leighann said...

Welcome to the blog family! I felt very excited and happy for you, reading your blog. We as women sometimes put ourselves last on our own list. I think when we take better care of ourselves, everyone around us benefits.

Looking forward to seeing more of the new you!

Ritagirl said...

So glad you decided to start a blog as well. I just started w/ braid-locs last week... we can be hair twins!

Unknown said...

You look great...and we have the same last name. Hmmm. Must be genetics!

Maryee said...

Congrats! Missed ya on Sunday!

Creyole said...

Girl, if you don't give us an update post. I know you are in school and all but let's hear about your own retightening and how much your hair has grown.

Just wanted to make you aware of my recent blog change.

Name "Creyole" instead of LaChanda and
New blog site is http://creyole.blogspot.com
New Email Address: creyole@gmail.com

I know it's asking a bit much but please understand it was a must!


Creyole said...

What a shame, can we get at least one update a year??? LOL