Thursday, September 04, 2008


Schedule seems to be one of the major challenges because I have to mesh Joshua's schedule with our schedule. I want my children to have a consistent schedule so that when they began to learn in the "real world", they will have been used to structure. Yesterday, he woke up at 9:50, today he woke up at 7:40. Isn't it nice to be able to wake up when you are ready. The life of a baby has many advantages. This causes us to start and end at different times. I constructed our schedule as followed:

4:30-5:00 (Idea Time LOL!!!!- Wake up-Devotion-Exercise)
5:00-5:30 Devotion for me (What I've done this week!!!)
5:30-6:00 Shower/ Make Bed
6:00-7:00 Get some things done around the house
7:00-7:30 Kids wake up, dress breakfast
7:30-8:00 Worship/ Journal Writing Time
8:00-8:15 DEAL (Drop Everything and Listen)
8:15-9:15 Reading/ L.Arts
9:15-10:00 Writing Workshop
10:00-11:00 Math
11:00-11:30 Science
11:30-12:00 Social Studies
12:00-1:00 Lunch- Outdoor Fun
1:00-2:00 ART, Music, Cooking, Finance, Study Success, Computer
Evenings with Ron- Bible
Tues. & Thurs.- Swimming
Wed. - Tennis

This is the idea schedule......with field trips scheduled twice a month....STAYED TUNED

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